10 de noviembre de 2011

Una docena de Libros de Microbiología Clínica y sus enlaces

Gracias a David May


Para descargar cada libro, copia en la barra de tu navegador desde "http hasta infectious" y presiona Enter

http://ifile.it/ireqsvw/Infections Agents And Pathogenesis - Infectious Diseases and Substance Abuse - Springer - 2005.pdf

http://ifile.it/vs63p94/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Legionella pneumophila, Pathogenesis and Immunity - Springer - 2008.pdf

http://ifile.it/e78dacm/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Staphylococcus aureus Infection and Disease -Kluwer Academic Publishers - 2002.pdf

http://ifile.it/jzk39gi/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Acinetobacter Biology and Pathogenesis - Springer - 2008.pdf

http://ifile.it/o5tyube/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Chlamydia pneumoniae, Infection and Disease - Springer - 2005.pdf

http://ifile.it/rsd2qv3/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Herpesvirus and Immunity - Kluwer Acedemic Publishers - 2002.pdf

http://ifile.it/pqv2h4g/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Human Retroviral Infections, Immunological and Therapeutic Control - Kluwer Academic Publishers - 2002.pdf

http://ifile.it/dteqrav/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - In vivo Models of HIV Disease and Control - Springer - 2006.pdf

http://ifile.it/obup79y/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Microorganism and Bioterrorism - Springer - 2006.pdf

http://ifile.it/17tvolb/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Opportunistic Intracellular Bacteria and Immunity - Kluwer Academic Press - 2002.pdf

http://ifile.it/7kxanjr/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Rapid Detection of Infectious Agents - Springer - 2002.pdf

http://ifile.it/3bzsm6i/Infectious Agents And Pathogenesis - Rickettsial Infection and Immunity - Springer - 2002.pdf